Centenary Mutations


"Dusk had already fallen.

Shadow was stepping into the light.

Silence was filling the air and a soft wind was trying to creep through the leaves.

Every step I took was an intense rustle, an interruption of this balance between silence and wind.

Every step seemed to disturb the atmosphere.

I was embarrassed, as if I was interrupting something.

Almost petrified, I was trying to communicate with someone who was speaking another language, something which does not understand and has no interest in understanding.

Alone, with her, the nature.

Frightened by that explosion of colours.

Frightened by the greatness,

Frightened by that majestic stillness which seemed to have nothing to tell me.

Frightened by the silence and by the night which was relentlessly arriving.

I was there, still, watching, listening.

Beholding an ancient mutation, previous to my existence, it was there.

Did I belong there? To that moment?

Was I disturbing?

My breath concerted with the wind, my movements were slow.

Surrounded by an infinity of sounds, scents and colours blended to give an enthralling sensation of absolute peace.

I remained there more than i was allowed, and this, this was the only photo I was brave enough to take before darkness.

Courage, yes.

I respectfully and quietly went away.

That day I took away something: I took possession of an image of nature in an exact moment.

Nothing was asked to me in return and till today I hope this image was a gift.

I would have asked permission, if I could, but nobody, of course, would have answered.

I would have thanked, if I could."
Emanuele Zallocco                 

2019 © Emanuele Zallocco - All Rights Reserved www.emanuelezallocco.it

The Last Light


We live each of our days shrouded by a veil of shallowness, surrounded by slogans of different parties which hide the truth and steer away the critical thinking towards a more comfortable and /or easier direction.

This is Earth


It was a late summer day, the sky was clear and the temperature was pleasant.