
The Last Light


We live each of our days shrouded by a veil of shallowness, surrounded by slogans of different parties which hide the truth and steer away the critical thinking towards a more comfortable and /or easier direction.

This is Earth


It was a late summer day, the sky was clear and the temperature was pleasant.

It's not a hoax-the world is warming. As we discuss the path to take, let's run through the facts: #ClimateFacts

A picturesque village - where only 12 people live during the winter - is transformed as the sun sets and it is lit by lamps. Castelluccio di Norcia, in the Monti Sibillini National Park, in Italy, is nestled between mountains including Redentore, the second highest peak in the park, standing at 2,400m.

The Sibillini Mountains, are a mountain group in Italy, part of the central Apennines. Situated between eastern Umbria and the Marche, they are mostly composed of limestone rocks, formed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic (100 to 50 million years ago) on the bottom of an extinct sea. The land emerged 20 million years ago. Most of the peaks are...

Castelluccio di Norcia is a small village, that lies in the "Parco nazionale dei Monti Sibillini" in the Umbria region, and with its 1400 metres above the sea is one of the highest in the Appennini. The historical centre is placed on the top of a hill, in the middle of a tableland bearing the same name, very wide, where...

The Summer Solstice in Ancona (Marche Region-Italy) is an important day, because it is possible to admire the sunset on the Adriatic Sea.