en-Flowering of Castelluccio


Castelluccio di Norcia is a small village, that lies in the "Parco nazionale dei Monti Sibillini" in the Umbria region, and with its 1400 metres above the sea is one of the highest in the Appennini. The historical centre is placed on the top of a hill, in the middle of a tableland bearing the same name, very wide, where the famous lentils are coltivated.
It is the blooming of the latter, with other kind of flowers, that offer between the end of May and the beginning of June a truly unique sight.

The blooming occurs mainly between May and July, but there is not a precise period because it all depends on the climate conditions. There is not even a peak, but it is a succession of blossomings of different species: daffodils, poppies, violets, gentianellas, lentils and many others. My advice is to check the blooming on the official website https://www.castellucciodinorcia.it .
If possible avoid Sundays, because the place is packed with tourists, almost unlivable I would say!

© Zallocco Emanuele

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